Sunday, May 8, 2016

Ice Sculpture

I wanted to show you all of the beauty I could possess after the ugliness you found in me last time. I hate being ugly. I hate that you saw me in all of my ugliness. Maybe in my zeal to be remarkable I forced myself into a shape you no longer found beautiful.
I took in every ounce of your light and reflected it back to you so you could find your own beauty. Every inch of me was devoted to highlighting the beauty surrounding me.
Did you see me? I made myself large for you. Every inch of my form was carved, smoothed and polished just so I could reflect your beauty. You were lovely in my glow.
I tried to push myself through the crowds, but the warmth overwhelmed me and I needed to withdraw to the place where I felt safe. Every moment I felt my beauty melting away. Hands brushed against me finding out my most sacred secrets filling me with doubt and dread. But, even with all the damage they still couldn’t discover all my secrets and I was able to find your beauty.
There is more to me than what you see on the outside. I have light and beauty and strength all wrapped up in the lines and edges of my outer form. I am not nearly as polished as I appear to be. What do you really know about me? I am hidden within the outer form. I know you saw it. I could see it in your form as I reflected your image back to you.
I want to feel your gentle caress against me. Do not fear me. I am not afraid of you. I know you would never hurt me, at least not deliberately. Your light allows me to fulfill my purpose.

Can I be beautiful without you? Yes. I know I have function and beauty and purpose in this life. I am beautiful, even without your approval. I don’t need you, I want you. Isn’t that the difference?

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