Monday, May 16, 2016

Frozen Puddle

Loving you is so easy. I almost forgot everything you had to offer, until I saw you in this moment. Your strength overwhelmed me for a moment and I was blinded by your glory.
What just happened? I almost lost myself in the light and life you gave me. We survived the storm together, but now the night is dark and I am afraid. Light the path before me so I can find my way. Be the guide to my feet and the strength for my soul.
Can I lean on you? I am so weak I know I will not be able to find my way alone. I am spread thin and my surface is broken. I am forced to huddle here on the cold, hard ground and my fear overwhelms me. You are strong. In you I will reform myself.
I can depend on no other. I have been trodden upon and broken into tiny pieces and I don’t think I can take any more. Please, pick me up. Support me. Love me.  I don’t know if I can take this anymore.
The storm has broken me. It has left me scattered and alone. You are my only hope. My only support. Pick me up, piece me back together. Give me back my life.
I will be reformed by you. I do not need to be changed or fixed or recreated. I just need to be made back to what I was before. You have seen me in all my true forms. You know what I should be, instead of this, what I am now.
Bring me back to my beautiful glory. Find what I should be and force me back into that shape. I can be what I was before. This doesn’t have to change me. This doesn’t have to change us. Give me hope. Give me a chance. Give us hope. Give us a chance.

The path is dark. Light the way. I will follow. I may take longer and I may stumble until I get my bearings, but I will find my way back to you. The storm is over and you will light my way.

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