Thursday, May 26, 2016

Ice Burg

I have shared with you everything except the secret parts of my most sacred soul. Are you afraid of me yet? Do you know what is hidden beneath the surface of my heart? There is more to fear than you could even imagine. Why have you not run away yet?
Are you truly willing to stay, even though there is things here you should truly fear? I have laid waste to the world, sank the sturdiest of ships and changed the course of tides, and yet you still stay there, waiting. What is it you see in me to find this journey worth the fight?
Is there hope in love? I think if you stay I might get used to you and then we will never be able to part. I have done my best to put you aside, to extinguish the love I feel for you, but I cannot stop my heart from needing you near me.
I can turn and reveal to you the secrets I have buried beneath the surface. Is that enough to cause you to run? If you see the secrets I have hidden will you hide your light from my hope and heart?
You say you are not afraid. You say your love for me will always be strong. Perhaps I will believe you this time.
I will give this love a chance. You have burned so strong and still for the longest time. My love can never glow as strong as yours. I can only reflect back that which you give me. But, in that reflection I can magnify your light a hundred fold. You will be my guiding light and I will be your mirror. Can there be anything more powerful than that.

When two souls are destined to collide and bring forth the destiny that has been foretold there is no force in the world that can prevent their joining as one. What will we create in our union? Will it have value for the world? My love will ever grow as we change into what we are destined to be.

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