Friday, March 11, 2016

Phone Calls

Hey Kitty, there you are. I have been so miserably sick I have no idea what’s been going on in the house. Workers have come and gone. Framing has been put in place and most of the structural work will be done within the next two weeks. This house has great bones, but the secrets it contains are remarkable. When the wall came down under the stairs we found a dozen more paintings. There were tons of old papers and books shoved in there along with an old steamer trunk. The trunk held the birth certificate of a child born to the Walters’ daughter and unknown father in a hospital on the east coast. According to the documents in the trunk the daughter never made a trip to Europe. Obviously this family was packed full of secrets. Other than the birth of the child there wasn’t any more information on the child. I wonder if the baby was put up for adoption. It would be interesting to see if the family line did continue after all.

Here’s your dinner, kitty. I’m glad you’re pretty low maintenance. It was nice having you curl up at my feet when I didn’t feel good. I could have done without you rubbing against my neck in the middle of the night when I was trying to sleep. I wanted to see Claire, but I was too sick to even leave the house. I wouldn’t want her to catch whatever it was I had. I wish she would have called. I mean, I don’t know if she called or not. My phone seems to be working fine, but I keep getting these weird calls at all times of the day and night. It’s always an unknown number and all I hear is static or strange sounds. It’s like someone is crying. None of my other phone calls sound like these. I get calls from Mark, mom, Stephanie and other workers every day. I don’t have any problems with any of those phone calls. I let the call go to voicemail a couple of times, but whoever it was didn’t leave a message. I tried recording the last one, but the recorder couldn’t pick up the sound. I need to be able to record the phone call so I can bring it into the cell phone store and show them what I am talking about. They can’t believe there is anything wrong with my phone.

Look kitty, it’s the unknown number again. Claire, is that you? I hope you can hear me. I can’t hear you. Claire? The connection is still good. Claire? I want to help you. Claire, I think I love you. What’s that? I think I heard you say something. I can only hear one word. What do you mean by breathe? Claire? Claire?

Dang, Kitty. I need to figure out what’s going on with this phone. I wish the calls would come in when other people are around. No matter what time it is when the calls come in there is no one around.

I wish Mark would have taken these paintings with him. They kinda creep me out. After seeing so many faces without eyes even the landscapes are starting to look sinister. I did email photos of them to the director of the art museum and she wanted to come over and take a look. She thinks they are from two completely unknown artists. She wanted to come over and inspect them right away, but I got knocked down with this bug. Hopefully she can come over tomorrow.

I hope we can get back to work early tomorrow. I had my doubts when we pulled those occult items out from behind the steamer trunk. It didn’t help that a huge draft knocked over all those tools just outside the basement window as we pulled out the Ouija board. it would have been funny if Carlos hadn’t fallen when he was running up the stairs and split his head open. I hadn’t seen so much blood in my life. Of course the only person who would stay and help him was Stephanie. She said the house doesn’t scare her. She loves the secrets it holds. I don’t know about her. Sometimes I find her in the other rooms talking to herself. The worst part is she actually pauses as if she’s listening to someone else answer.

Kitty, it’s Claire! I wonder how long she’s been standing there. Let’s go let her in. I’m glad she showed up but I wish I could find a way to get a hold of her outside of her just showing up randomly. It would be nice to see her every day. It would be nice to have company for the next 8 days. We missed a few days in there, kitty.

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