Monday, April 11, 2016


Our subject has taken to drawing her dreams now. It is interesting because we had never seen any type of artistic ability in her before. The interest and abilities of our research subject seem to grow with the passage of time. Trying to understand this culture is almost beyond our comprehension. The idea of being able to choose your own method of contributing to your society is as foreign as trying to change the shape of your head. We are designed with a certain subset of skills and ability. Our genes are manipulated so we can fit into the slot society has deemed necessary and we emerge from our cocoon prepared to take our place and function as society has deemed is necessary.
Our subject’s latent artistic ability appears to have lain dormant for many years. It seems our initial studies and probes have stimulated areas of her brain and caused the talent to be thrust to the surface. At first she was rendering her sketches in a volume in which she utilized to write down important information from her courses, but now she has procured a volume specifically designed for the function of recording images sketched out by her own hand.
It is unfortunate we are only to study the artwork while she is working on it. She keeps the volume stored away when she is not working on it and we do not have access to her personal belongings we can only see the drawings through her implanted surveillance devices.
We are unable to ascertain the aesthetic level of the artwork since our culture’s understanding or what is beautiful is so vastly diverse from our subjects’ concepts. We cannot use the reactions of her peers as an assessment because she has not shared her artwork with any of them. She seems less than pleased with her endeavors and frequently covers her artwork with dark graphite.

I was fortunate enough to be reviewing the data recorded by her visual implant while she was working on her artwork before she entered her hibernation cycle. Much of her work consists of concentric images covering the page. It was difficult to find a pattern of images within the design. The only theme I could find was the image of optical orifices peering up from the page. At times the shapes of the orifices were reflections of her peers. There was some discussion about other images she created because the size and shape look more like the protective equipment we use during our research in the lab. It is obvious she is catching glimpses of the researchers as they are performing experiments. Trying to keep all trace of the research process from the subjects may be more difficult than we first anticipated. We must proceed with more caution as we move forward with our experiments.

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