Monday, December 16, 2019

Writing a Short Story!

Short stories are a great way to give readers a glimpse into your writing style. There are a number of ways you can get your short stories out there for readers to find. Here are a few suggestions for publishing short stories:
  • Your personal blog
  • Guest Blogs
  • Your Social Media Site
  • Submit to magazines (Print and Online)
  • Anthologies
  • Publish online
  • Your Website
  • Online sites

In order to gain followers, you need to allow them to get a sense of your voice. Writing short stories serves many functions:
1.      It helps you practice your writing
2.      It allows you to develop characters and settings
3.      It helps you practice word economy
4.      Sharing the stories allow readers to find you and experience your voice
Many novelist struggle with writing short stories because the idea of practicing word economy is daunting, to say the least. A short story is typically only a few pages long and usually only contains one central conflict. If a short story goes beyond fifty pages, it is classified as a novella.
There are five essential elements to short stories:
  • Character: The person (protagonist) in conflict. This person has a goal and there is something standing in the way of him/her achieving it.
  • Setting: Setting refers to the time and place of the story. Sometimes the setting of the story is alluded to so the reader has a vague impression of where and when the central conflict is taking place. Practice showing the reader through description as opposed to telling by just stating the time and place.
  • Conflict: This is the struggle between the protagonist and the antagonist. The protagonist has a goal and the antagonist is keeping him/her from accomplishing the goal. Avoid calling the protagonist the good guy and the antagonist the bad guy. When it comes to conflict it isn’t about bad or good, it’s about point and counter-point. In short stories the conflict needs to be focused and the goal needs to be achievable.
  • Plot: Every story needs to have a beginning a middle and an end. In stories the beginning is called exposition, the middle is rising action and the end is the climax and falling action. Create a simple plot-line for your short story and plan what you are going to write.
  • Theme: This is the central idea of the story. The theme of the story can be broad, sweeping ideas or simple, clear concept. Think: Survival, Sacrifice, Love conquers all, Death is everywhere, etc.

Once you internalize the formula for writing a short story you can build your voice and audience through this medium. Create stories unique to you and your world and invite readers to enjoy the journey with you. Write a short story two or three times a month (at least) and post them on your blog. Once you get twenty stories publish them in an anthology. Not only do you get followers on your blog, but you can add another published book to your resume.

Your assignment this week:            Character: Single Mother of Two            Setting: A Small Town            Conflict: Man vs. Self            Plot: She needs to find a way to better her future            Theme: Finding inner strengthLet’s see what you can all do with this….

Post the resulting short story in the comments. Remember to include links to your website and let followers know where they can find your work.

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