Unknown 1858- April 6 1883
Born in Missouri a slave died
in Massachusetts free
Give praise to Him who dwells on the highest
Give praise to Him who guides your feet in the
path away from prison.
Give praise.
Give praise.
Oh, give praise.
He saved my soul from sin when my body and
spirit were broken by the whip.
He gave strength to my feet despite the
slashing of my heel.
He guided me under the stars.
The Dipper.
The Bear.
The Guide Star.
Until I could find my way on my own.
I could feel the comfort of His spirit as I followed
the muddy waters of the river from house to house.
I heard the searchers and knew the path the
baying dogs would take.
Once or twice I even saw the shadow forms of
His protectors wiping all signs of my footsteps out of the dirt as I followed
the trail to freedom.
Words buried in Hymns of praise guided me when I
knew it was time to run or face death.
He opened my heart to love even my enemy.
He gave me the strength to work until I could
earn enough to buy my wife and my children from their captors.
beautiful Maisy. My son, who was named for me. My daughter who had the face of
the master but was still the flower of my heart. All saved by the sweat of my
brow and the callouses on my hands.
I prepared the path for them as my God prepared
the path for me.