Monday, May 23, 2016

Frozen Lake

I’m so thankful you are allowing me to stay here by your side. Your warmth is reaching into me, flooding my heart with strength. This is the best place in the world to be. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Let me curl into your warmth and nestle into your existence.
I have soothed the savage beast and have calmed the waters to give us a safe place to put our feet. You need to learn to trust me again. There is promise in the quiet. Like we are waiting for the good to come around again.
See, I knew we could find a way to be together again. Love doesn’t conquer everything, but it is enough to sustain us until we can trust again.
We all have secrets buried beneath our surfaces. You are so quiet in your contemplations. What are you thinking about right now? Are you cold and afraid or are you like me, just enjoying the beauty of this night?
I will be here, by your side, where I am meant to be. It will take time to mend the broken pieces of our trust, but what we will have at the end will be worth it.
I can feel the peace of the night washing over us, making everything new and fresh and clean. Thank you for this moment. Tonight it is just us and we have found our peace.

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