Friday, March 4, 2016


Hello? Who's here? I can hear you. What’s going on? There shouldn't be any workers inside the house. I can hear your laughter. It’s coming through the the HVAC system. Hey guys, are you in the basement? The door is locked, for once. Where did the keys go? I can hear someone in the house. I knew I shouldn't have left while the workers were still here. Someone left a door open somewhere.
Where’s the kitty? Hey girl, where are you? Oh, there you are. Do you see where the keys to the basement went? I hear someone down there. Come on kitty, we need to find those keys. There aren't a lot of places they could be. It’s not like I have a lot of furniture in this house. I don't even know why I bothered moving in a couch and coffee table. We are going to have to remove them when we start construction anyway. Nope, the keys aren’t in the couch cushions. Maybe they’re in the kitchen. I think I put my cell phone in the fridge yesterday. It wouldn't surprise me if I found the keys in there too.
Dang it kitty. Where did the keys of? I’m going to have to call Mark and have one of his workers run over the spare keys. He won't be happy to find out his workers are using company time and property to play games.
Where’s my phone? How in the hell do I keep losing things? Ok Kitty, let’s retrace our steps. Do you think I could have dropped them outside. The back door is open again. I need to find out who keeps leaving the door open all the time. This is getting ridiculous. I don't lose things. Is it this house or did I hit my head harder than I thought when I feel off the roof.
What’s wrong kitty? At least you jumped off my shoulder before you started freaking out again. Oh, it’s the old, scraggly Tom again. We aren't having any luck catching  that one. I’m surprised there are any cats left in this neighborhood with that old beast around.
We’re not going to find the keys or my phone this way. Wait, the door to the basement is unlocked. How did this happen? Oh, it’s cold. How do the keys get there? And my phone. I would never put them on the landing. Someone has to be in the house. Someone is messing with me. I don't understand. Are the men angry because I offered Stephanie a job? Just because she was the only one of them not afraid to enter the basement on her own? I need to talk to Mark about the attitude of these men.
I’m glad the electric work is done.The HVAC crew comes in tomorrow and then we get to start working on the walls. There are one or two coming down, but overall most of the work after the HVAC is cosmetic. Mark is going to start taking me to his other job sites and introduce me to his other crews. I might have to hire a few extra people, but by the time I’m ready to take on other projects I’ll have a good team in place.  I hope I don't have any practical jokers on my crew. This is getting out of hand. I can't spend all day hunting down keys and phones. And once we get started on the construction I'm sure whoever is hiding my keys will start hiding tools and supplies. I might have to install cameras inside the house. Investing in cameras is actually a good idea. I can use them on all my job sites. I’ll talk to Mark about this when I see him tomorrow. Obviously I can't call him tonight. Damn, I thought I had the phone charged completely. At least I can plug it in here now. It’s nice to have electricity again. I’m going to get come groceries. Only 17 more days to go kitty, but I think I need to double check the calendar. I think my count might be off.

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